Yungblud has released a brand-new track titled ‘Abyss.’ The new track serves as the exhilarating opening theme for Toho Animation’s highly anticipated anime series, Kaiju No. 8, based on the immensely popular manga comic series by Naoya Matsumoto. Recorded during Yungblud’s tour in Japan last year, ‘Abyss’ was written specifically for the series, and describes the struggles of lead character Kafka Hibino (Kaiju No. 8). The song was co-written with Imagine Dragons’ front-man Dan Reynolds.
Speaking about the track, Yungblud reveals: “I think there are times when we feel that the world is cruel and not necessarily made for us. I think that’s expressed very beautifully in the story, and it’s really in line with what I’m trying to achieve myself. To find my place in the world, to find my friends. Don’t suppress your hidden talents and power, even if you can’t be proud of them yourself. Because everyone is beautiful.”
The new track follows Yungblud’s recent announcement of the first-ever Bludfest, a music festival founded by Yungblud and set to take place Sunday, August 11 at the iconic Milton Keynes Bowl in the UK. Joining Yungblud on the lineup is Lil Yachty, following the pair’s collaboration on the latest single ‘When We Die (Can We Still Get High?).’ Acclaimed British rock duo Soft Play, legendary punk band The Damned, and rising stars Nessa Barrett, Lola Young, and Jazmin Bean are also set to perform.