
Man Overboard’s Nik Bruzzese debuts two solo singles

Man Overboard’s Nik Bruzzese has released the debut singles from his new solo project, Casa Loma. Both ‘Travelers’ and ‘Famaglia’ are both out now and available to listen to across streaming services.

On ‘Travelers’ Bruzzese shares: “Ever since my dad died, I feel like he sends me signs. Sometimes when I hear a weird sound in my house or a song on the radio, or I have an interaction with a stranger that feels special, I think it happened because my dad is trying to say something to me. I guess I keep looking for these signs because my dad didn’t really leave me with anything other than like, a Roth IRA. I want to leave something for my kids that’s on a level where they know it’s to them from me. So this song is like a letter in a drawer telling my kids what I need to say if I ever have to leave them.”

He continues about ‘Famaglia’: “This is totally a song meant to be played on an episode of ‘This Is Us.’ I don’t watch it, but my wife does, and every time she finishes an episode, she’s crying. I wrote this song from the perspective of a friend who lost a loved one in the most messed up way possible. When you lose someone like this, you have to be in touch with yourself spiritually and know even though the person you love is gone, you can talk to him and be lifted up with his presence instead of crashing and burning your way through life.”

‘Famaglia’ and ‘Travelers’ are both off of Casa Loma’s forthcoming EP, ‘This Is Coping,’ due out June 6, 2020 via Pure Noise Records. Bruzzese shares: “I started writing this EP as a therapy session for myself. I went through one of the hardest years of my life last year because I lost two people very near to me. But when you’re a dad and have two daughters like I do, you’re not allowed to be sad. You have to be excited and happy about everything, even though inside you might be ripping to shreds. I think that’s the way most people work; they have to put up this front like everything’s fine even though they actually think the world is falling down around them. So writing this album was a way for me to vent and get out those feelings without tearing somebody’s head off or being a perpetual bummer to my family and friends. It’s for everyone who has to be this one person during the day and then someone different when they’re on their own.”



‘This Is Coping’ EP tracklisting:

1. All Alone Again
2. DP23
3. Famaglia
4. I Wanna Know
5. Olivia, Marley, and Duck Pond
6. Travelers



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