Genre-bending American collective Fever 333 has shared a brand new, EDM-infused makeover of their single 'One Of Us,' taken from their debut full-length 'Strength In Numb333rs,' released earlier this year. The new...
British musician Yungblud is days away from releasing his brand new EP 'Underrated Youth,' and now he unleashed another new song taken off it. This time, he shared his collaboration with Imagine...
Califonia punk rock Mastodons Green Day have shared a brand new song from their upcoming album 'Father of All...' After the title track, and the accompanying video, the band shared a song...
Swedish hardcore legends Refused are back with the new song 'Economy Of Death.' The song serves as the third single off their upcoming new album 'War Music,' and it comes along with...
In the announcement on their social media, Swedish skate punk icons Satanic Surfers have announced that the band will continue as a four-piece, going back to their roots. Band's frontman Rodrigo Alfaro...
Lagwagon frontman Joey Cape recently visited Paste Studio NYC for a short acoustic session, and the interview. In the 25-minute video, Cape talks about his songs, songwriting process, new Lagwagon album 'Railer,'...
Hardcore band, The Warriors, have signed to Pure Noise Records for the release of their new album 'Monomyth' due out on December 12th. The 12-track collection marks the band’s first new album...
Hawthorne Heights have announced they will be releasing a collection of B-Sides and Rarities titled 'Lost Frequencies' due out November 8th via Pure Noise Records. In addition to today’s announcement, the band...