
Kelly Slater unveils new surfboard, calls it the ‘Most user-friendly shape ever’

Kelly Slater released his brand new surfboard, with his brand Slater Designs. The board is called S Boss, and it’s created with shaper Dan Mann

About the board, the brand shared: “Our most user-friendly, pure performance shape. Ever. The S Boss combines Kelly Slater’s pursuit of high-performance progression with Dan Mann’s mission to make performance surfing accessible to all by design. With a relaxed rocker, forgiving fin cluster, full outline, and hidden volume throughout — the S Boss is the most versatile shape in your Slater Designs quiver.”

“The result?” they continue, “The best turn of your life. The best airs Kevin Schulz can do. The S Boss is a true universal surfboard built to unlock progression across all conditions and skill levels. Recommended with the KS1 template, ridden as a quad. Dan Mann suggests riding this shape on the higher side of your volume range. Kevin Schulz is 168 lbs and rides either the 5’6” (27.6L) in smaller waves or the 5’7” (28.1L) in bigger waves. Pair with Slater Designs traction and leash for the best experience.”

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