Genre-bending duo Nova Twins have announced their partnership with Marshall Records. In a forward-thinking deal that favours the artist and includes opportunities with Marshall Amplification, Marshall intends to drive positive change within the music industry, helping to break the mold of expectations when it comes to artist-label relationships.
Nova Twins (Amy Love and Georgia South): “We’re so happy to be extending our team by joining forces with Marshall on this new venture. Marshall understands how to work with independent artists like us, creating a unique and fair partnership that puts us, our rights and our music first, giving us the freedom to be ourselves. This should be the industry standard. Marshall have already been so accommodating and we’ve loved having access to their brand-new studio to record new tracks. We’re so excited to embark on this journey with them and see what the future holds!” They continue: “Releasing our debut album in collaboration with the 333 Wreckords Crew was amazing. We continue to be a part of the artist collective and receive advice from Jason Aalon Butler, who’s endless support means the world to us. He’s a rare gem in this industry. The Nova family just got bigger. Watch this space!”
Steve Tannett, Music Director at Marshall Amplification and responsible for Marshall Records, Marshall Live Agency and Marshall Studio gives us his insight: “The music industry has been ever-evolving since I joined it in the seventies. Marshall as a company is going back to its core beliefs and doing exactly what Jim Marshall did all those years ago – listening to the next generation of artists and their needs. This partnership is holistic, it ensures we build a strategy that meets the goals of the band. It goes beyond the current industry standards and gives this incredibly talented band the platform they deserve. In all my years I’ve never been prouder to have an agreement where I know the artist is the most important person in the deal. Marshall is pioneering the way for future recording agreements.”