Blood Youth recently visited London to join leading UK underground magazine, Kerrang! for the new installment of their K! Pit video series. This way, the metalcore upcomers joined bands such as While...
The Interrupters recently finished their European tour, which included the Budapest show with Dropkick Murphys. In addition, the band visited London to join the leading UK underground magazine, Kerrang! for the new installment...
Boston Manor have released a brand new single ‘Liquid,’ a darkly-shaded anthem inspired by the multiple versions of every individual that exist within other people’s consciousnesses. The song features a guest turn...
Trash Boat recently visited London to join leading UK underground magazine, Kerrang! for another episode of their K! Pit video series. This way, Trash Boat joined bands such as While She Sleeps,...
Sharptooth recently visited Brooklyn to join the leading UK underground magazine, Kerrang! for another episode of their K! Pit video series. This way, Sharptooth joined bands such as While She Sleeps, SWMRS,...
Words: Miljan Milekić
Canadian band Like Pacific is known for their energy, melody, and aggression. Blending pop punk, punk rock, and even hardcore, they created a unique style that instantly gained them attention....
Words: Miljan Milekić
I became a fan of Boston Manor around the release of their EP 'Saudade' back in 2015. Their lyrics, their energy, and their attention to detail made me love them....
The UK born singer-songwriter Lizzy Farrall has today premiered a new video for the song 'Better With' which is taken from her debut EP 'All I Said Was Never Heard' which will...