Genre-bending heavy alt-rock duo Nova Twins (guitarist/vocalist Amy Love and bassist Georgia South) has released their single 'Antagonist' via Marshall Records. The monstrous new track - which received Hottest Record on BBC...
British band Bring Me The Horizon announced what may be their biggest headlining European tour so far for February 2022. The 'Survival Horror' tour will include 18 dates in 12 countries, and...
Bring Me The Horizon have visited BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge to perform cover of the hit single ‘Mood‘ originally performed by 4kGoldn and Iann Dior. Make sure to check it out down...
Bring Me The Horizon just dropped their latest single titled 'Die4u,' which you can check out down below.
Speaking of the song Oli Sykes said: “'DiE4u' is a song about toxic obsessions, vices...
After the massive re-work of 'Last Resort,' he had done with Papa Roach, Tik Tok star Jeris Johnson now teamed up with Bring Me The Horizon for a new rendition of their...
Bring Me The Horizon officially released their landmark sold out, 2016 show at The Royal Albert Hall in support of Teenage Cancer Trust, via all streaming platforms. The Sheffield five-piece were accompanied...
Bring Me The Horizon and Yungblud have released a collaborative track titled 'Obey.' The song comes with an accompanying video which you can watch down below. The track was premiered as Annie...
Bring Me The Horizon are at their best, and the new song is there to show it. Tune in below, and check the massive new single 'Parasite Eve.' About the song, Oli...