Rock icons The Used have shared new a new animated music video for 'Giving Up.' Directed by digital artist Gabriel Russo, the video takes us on an introspective journey across the imaginative...
The Used have released their highly anticipated tenth studio album, 'Toxic Positivity' via Big Noise. Over 20 years into their career, 'Toxic Positivity' is everything fans have come to know and love...
The Used have shared the new single 'Giving Up' off their upcoming album 'Toxic Positivity,' out this Friday, May 19 via Big Noise. 'Giving Up' is the second single released from the album,...
Girlfriends (Travis Mills & Nick Gross) are thrilled to release their 'Over My Dead Body' EP, out now via Big Noise. Produced by Andrew Goldstein (Machine Gun Kelly, Papa Roach, blackbear), the...