Watch Felix Prangenberg's latest Fracture project titled 'Visions Of Light,' featuring Felix, Linda Grabner, Carlo Hoffmann, Mattes Torn, Tom Weikert, David Schaller, Kilian Reichmeyer, Nico van Loon, Thomas Federer, Tim Güntner, Angelo...
When you bring together two of the most productive and technically progressive riders in the game right now, you know it’s going to be a must-watch. Captured with the visual prowess of...
The new productive onslaught from this guy never slows down - Kunstform's Felix Prangenberg. This time he hit up Spain's third most populous city - Valencia, with friends, David Schaller, Kilian Reichmeyer,...
From superglued shins to crazed Airbnb hosts, 'Project X' takes the original BMX road trip concept and turns it up to eleven. Brought to you by The Cut BMX, In association with...
Felix Prangenberg’s signature Pathfinder frame is a product that reflects the originality, progression, and power of Felix’s riding. Boasting a short 13” chainstay and a taller 9.666” standover height, the Pathfinder frame...
When you talk about productivity in BMX, the name Felix Prangenberg has to be right towards the top of the list - this guy never stops putting out mind-blowing and ultra-progressive riding...
After ending his partnership with Ethnies earlier this year, German street destroyer Felix Prangenberg found his some with a new shoe company - Vans. The news was broken via Vans Europe socials.
It's like an X Games recap with what happened after. After a year of no visit to the states, Monster Energy got an international crew including Lewis Mills, Felix Prangenberg, Alex Donnachie...