Wars have released a brand new video for a cover of ‘Flames,’ originally performed by MOD SUN and Avril Lavigne. The track follows their recent cover of Taylor Swift’s track ‘Exile,’ both coming ahead...
Mod Sun and Avril Lavigne are still riding on the waves of their smashing hit 'Flames.' The duo recently put on a massive performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, so make sure to...
Earlier this year Mod Sun teamed up with Avril Lavigne to release their collaborative single ‘Flames.’ Now, you can listen to the acoustic version of the song, which, in original, is an energetic nod to the...
A couple of weeks ago, Mod Sun teamed up with Avril Lavigne to release their collaborative single 'Flames.' The song, that is an energetic nod to the early 2000s pop punk, now comes...
A couple of weeks ago we saw photos from the studio sessions that included Mod Sun, Machine Gun Kelly, Avril Lavigne, and John Feldmann. Now, the first result of the sessions is...