Nathan Gray, singer, songwriter and the frontman of the legendary post-hardcore band Boysetsfire has announced his new album. The record will be called 'Working Title,' and it's scheduled for release on January...
Boysetsfire frontman Nathan Gray and Stick To Your Guns frontman Jesse Barnett have announced a split EP. The release is scheduled for August 16th, via End Hits Records and Pure Noise Records....
Hot Water Music share details on their forthcoming EP 'Shake The Shadows,' out May 24 on Epitaph. The first shared song is 'Rebellion Story,' a melodic track that reinforces the importance of...
Words: Miljan Milekić
When it comes to punk rock, one of the bands that just can't be overlooked is Gainesville's own Hot Water Music. Since 1993 the four-piece released eight records and earned...