Vancouver, BC Canadian skate punk outfit The Corps are debuting a new single titled 'Dog Of War' officially released through Thousand Islands Records. The track marks the first new music since the...
Cult skate punk heroes Ten Foot Pole shared the official music video for an acoustic rendition of 'Scars,' a song off their acoustic album 'Simmer Down' released October 9th, 2020 through People...
From the sun-drenched Gold Coast of Eastern Australia, the melodic punk crew Fake News is back with their first new music of 2024, with the honest and moreish 'Moving On.' The band...
Metallic skate punk legends Strung Out recently shared their new single 'White Owls' off their upcoming 10th album 'Dead Rebellion' due April 5th via Fat Wreck Chords. The album was recorded, produced,...
Hold on to your vintage Mickey Mouse ears, because NOFX is gearing up to make 2024 one for the books! Today, the band is thrilled to toss a bit of new music your...
Bearings have released the newest reimagined version of 'Scenery,' alongside the new music video which can be seen below.
Last year, Bearings released their third album 'The Best Part About Being Human,' via...
Words: Miljan Milekić
For quite a few years up to this point, Mad Caddies seemed to be "the one that got away" when it came to catching them live. Two or three times...
Catchy choruses that you can sing along to, with powerful riffs that range from punk rock to alternative, the compositions full of real emotions make you emerge into a Californian movie scene...