Jon Snodgrass and his buddies Bill and Miles Stevenson recorded a live session for the Magnolia Sessions. Watch them performing ‘Saturday Nite Movie Nite’ off the new album ‘Barge at Will,’ below.
Jon’s new album ‘Barge at Will’ is available on limited edition vinyl in the USA via the Snod Store as well as SBAM Records in Europe and Thousand Island Records in Australia and Canada. The album was recorded, mixed, and mastered at The Blasting Room in Fort Collins, Colorado. Additionally, Bill Stevenson played drums and bass on the entire album. In addition, a few of Snodgrass’ buddies including Chris Wollard (Hot Water Music), Chris Cresswell (The Flatliners, Hot Water Music), Peter “JR” Wasilewski (Less Than Jake), and Scott Reynolds (ALL) made contributions to a few songs.